DOT Physical Exams in Canby

Department of Transportation physicals are never fun, but when you choose the right examiner to perform your physical, you'll have an exam from a practitioner who truly cares about your well-being. We offer DOT physical exams in Canby.
DOT Physical Exam in Canby OR
If you're looking for a DOT physical in Canby, you’ve come to the right place. Our team at Canby Spine & Sport are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration certified medical examiners. They have been working with and examining drivers for years and understand how important it is that you pass your test. They also know how improved lifestyle choices and healthier habits can protect your livelihood, and he’ll be glad to discuss these options with you during your exam.
- DOT Driver Exams: As part of our dedication to comprehensive patient care, Canby Spine & Sport offers DOT exams for commercial driver’s licenses and physicals for drivers who don’t require a CDL but who haul enough weight to require a DOT exam.
A DOT exam is a simple and hassle-free three-step process that involves taking your medical history, performing the exam, and filling out all the necessary paperwork.
- Step One: Medical History: To provide an idea of your general health and family background, you'll be asked to fill out a brief electronic medical history detailing past illnesses, injuries, surgeries, current medications, and overall health.
- Step Two: The Exam: Once you’ve provided your medical history our team will review the information you’ve provided, go over any medical conditions you may have, and perform a basic urinalysis test. As part of the exam, we’ll also:
- Measure your height
- Weigh you
- Take your blood pressure and pulse
- Test your range of motion
- Examine your eyes and ears
- Check your breathing
- Step Three: Paperwork: The final step in the process is the paperwork. Once your medical history and exam are complete, the office will fill out all the necessary paperwork to process the exam results. When you leave the office, you'll get a copy of the exam to take with you to the DMV, and a second copy to give to your company. We’ll also keep a scanned copy of the exam in your file at the office. And after all the paperwork has been processed, you'll get your very own DOT medical card to keep with you at all times when you're driving.
A DOT physical at Canby Spine & Sport costs $99 and only takes about 30 minutes. We accept cash and all major credit cards. To prepare for the exam, here's a checklist of things you should bring to the exam (where applicable):
- Photo identification
- List of medications from your Doctor, including strength and dosage, for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Eyeglasses
- Hearing aids
- Copy of your most recent stress test (for heart conditions)
- Copy of your latest sleep test result (for sleep apnea)
- If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine, your last 30 days usage report
- If you have sleep apnea and use a dental appliance, please bring in
- If you are diabetic, your most recent A1C numbers from your doctor
If you have any questions about your specific conditions, please give us a call and we'll be happy to tell you what you will need to bring with you. You can also have your doctor fax any information directly to us at (503) 263-3023.
Right before your exam: Make sure you drink a glass of water and come in with a full bladder, as you will have to provide a urine sample.
We understand that lots of people don’t like doctors, hospitals, and medical exams and that anticipating your appointment may elevate your blood pressure. But we work with drivers all day and understand how important it is for you to pass your DOT exam. To help prepare yourself for the appointment, here are things you can do in the days and weeks leading up to your exam:
- Take your medication every day as prescribed and on schedule
- Reduce your caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and salt consumption
- Remember that you won’t actually find a single white coat in our clinic!
to schedule your DOT exam today!
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Canby Spine & Sport
130 SW 2nd Avenue #101
Canby, OR 97013